View Profile FredricSmofonso

23 Movie Reviews

3 w/ Responses


I am generally a fan of anything TheWeebl spits out, but this one taught me about a creature i had never heard of. Thanks!

HAHA Wonderful!

I was fixing my internet, and i happened to open newgrounds today, and found.. A NEW BLOCKHEAD! I was so excited my heart skiped a beat.. it did, i felt it. *smiles* nothing bad could leave my mouth about this cartoon! IT was, dare i say... perfect! Nothing has brought me more joy than your beyond lovable character blockhead!
Dont stop being Awesome!!!


The-Swain responds:

I was in such a rush to get Blockhead out of the house in the beginning that I managed to compress a huge BH/Conscience conversation into only 2 minutes. It's a very heated 2 minutes, though. I just wish it hadn't taken me so long to finally get this project done, but the Game has been eating up all of my time these past months.

Glad you enjoyed!

Oh, and I've got no problem with Clocks, or at least with the well-made Clock movies (and there are quite a few). But I'm afraid that Blockhead will not be one of them, so no worries there!


Well, I love your work... Blockhead his nearly the greatest thing on earth. And up until i read JonnyFlash619's review, i thought that my group of friends and I were the only people to truely love Blockhead!
Thank you so much for giving us a wonderful cartoon to enjoy!

Pretty Good

You have done a great job on styling the marines, dropsihp, tank, scouts, and zealots. The story is great and its working for me.
But, i do have some complaints...
1. Protoss Photon Cannons are powered by a Pylon, and they are lower to the ground, kinda built into it, so that when they fire the cannon part raises it self to fire its shot.
2. You got the common idea, but Ghosts do not have shotguns. It happens to be a canister rifle, a single fire blast weapon, giving it range and power. A canister rifle is not a pump action
3. Put more time into the zerg units.. not just a blob of red.. The hydralisk is the best unit in the game. You should treat it with more respect, then a big red blob...
That is all, very nicely done.

LogFish responds:

Why couldn't a ghost, upon knowing he's going to be working in close quarters combat in an installation, put down one gun, say, a cannister rifle, and pick up another, say, a pump action shotgun? A ghost is a specialist, he's not a machine without changeable parts ;)

And you loved my big red blob - heh, watch the later episodes, they're slightly better now.

Nothing different or new.

The only new thing you added was color. and the original was awesome the way it was. The voice was also not as good as the original. I see no purpose in remaking The 5th Avocado. It was perfect the way it was.


This one is a huge improvement over the first one! First reason... Kit Fisto Lives.. by far my favorite StarWars character.. for reasons i will never know... Good animation, and it wasn't identical to the movie. Very good work and i enjoyed the humor.. just watch out for making the jedi look like idiots... cause although it was funny... Jedi are not idiots
Well done!

Xennethy responds:

They are not idiots. They're pretty strong in the movie actually. But they are just too naive and over confident.Thats what happened in the actual movie too.

Thats an Awesome Idea

Neon725 has the perfect idea, that would be awesome if blockhead was the concience for a day. That would just laugh.. Oh and by the way, Quite possible the best series on newgrounds, KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK!

Over rated

This movie only has good ratings because of the song! The Animation tuely SUCKS! and does not deserve to be the second on the all time scoring list! And, yes, i like the song.. but the toon is just... soso animation. Could be so much better, and should be with such a high rating! Certainly not the best thing on newgrounds


that was funny, keep it up!


It was good, but really short. Great use of WinterWind's Music!

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Age 36, Male


Iowa State University

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Joined on 8/30/05

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